Soundhealing Yeartraining 2024

The magic of our own voice.
We are in very special times where man is about to rewrite his future. One of the newest domains in healing and transformation of consciousness is the use of sound. The basis for this is formed by a rediscovery of ancient techniques that are still used in ancient tribes (from Lemuria and Atlantis) combined with modern scientific research. A combination of more than 20 years of study and deepening in the human voice and its healing power.
Week 1 - 11 till 16 March 2024
Here you get a complete starter package to get started as a sound healer with the main ingredient
your own voice (gate of the soul).
You get to know your own energetic, physical, mental and emotional body through sounds.
Step by step you learn to use your own voice to correct and balance vibration patterns.
The 6 days form a "Sound Wheel" and ensure that you come to the deeper layers of consciousness in order to
increase your vitality and balance.
You can also see this 1st week of the Soundhealing Training as a spiritual health journey that brings depth and insights
This is a basic week with different Western and Eastern methodologies
The following topics are covered:
✓ The principles of sound healing.
✓ Ear training.
✓ Science of sound – cymatics.
✓ Learn to discover your own spirit of sound.
✓ Mantras.
✓ Breathing techniques.
✓ The organs and matching sounds.
✓ Energetic analysis of the sonic body.
✓ Therapeutic methodology of Soundhealing.
✓ Working on your own and another body.
✓ Tuning or sounding your physical body.
✓ Bija sounds.
Week 2 - 27 till 1 june 2024
This 2nd week focuses outwards. Here you learn to protect yourself and learn to sing to others.
Here you will also travel in sound and learn different native techniques. Learning to handle drums and rattles during sound travel.
Shamanic voice use will also be discussed here.
Listening more deeply and distinguishing sounds in ear training.
Here you learn safe sound healing techniques that you can use in groups, schools, on individuals (children or adults)
or that you can integrate into an existing practice.
This is a follow-up week with shamanic methodologies
The following topics are covered:
✓ Sonic Yoga.
✓ Native Voice - with drum and rattle.
✓ Shamanic treatments with sound.
✓ Voice medicine.
✓ Overtones.
✓ Sound from a spiritual perspective.
✓ Sound therapy.
✓ Mantras.
✓ Bija Sounds.
✓ Sound – Scan Technique.
✓ Chant.
✓ Jabber talk.
✓ Sound journeys.
Week 3 - 2 till 8 sept 2024
During this week you will learn to work with overtones
so that you can proceed surgically with sound. You will learn all about the sacred geometries and how to use them in your healing along with the techniques of the Merkaba.
We will integrate the wisdom of the Bards who applied alchemical techniques to modify frequencies in order to initiate transformative processes in our daily sound practice.
The 3rd week is a spiritual initiation through the sound dimensions.
The following topics are covered:
✓ Sonic Yoga.
✓ Native Voice - with drum and rattle.
✓ Shamanic treatments with sound.
✓ Voice medicine.
✓ Overtones.
✓ Sound from a spiritual perspective.
✓ Sound therapy.
✓ Mantras.
✓ Bija Sounds.
✓ Sound – Scan Technique.
✓ Chant.
✓ Jabber talk.
✓ Sound journeys.
Week 4 - 18 till 23 nov 2024
We will experience and transfer the medicine of the future in all its aspects. An in-depth week full of experience and practice. The mantras and deeper Vedic mantras are taught and sung during these 6 days of healing, vibration and magic.
Sonic Yoga, Shamanic techniques (from the South American and North American tribes) with drums and rattles, deeper insights into sonic healing, ecstatic postures, trance singing and soul songs.
The Merkaba and an in-depth sound marathon are also part of this week.
We will refresh all theory of recent years including new exercises in these 6 days and apply them to each other and ourselves.​
Sign up and prices:
This year training consists of 3 weeks of 6 days of training each time.
The first week is from 11 till 16th March 2024
The second week is from 27 till 1st June 2024
The third week is from 2nd till 7th sept 2024
The fourth (extra) week is from 18 till 23 nov 2024 (more students that did the training can join here)
(Everyday from 10 a.m. till18 p.m. )
(These weeks cannot be followed separately)
Register only for the full year course.
Price is 3630 euros incl. VAT for the 3 weeks. This training is not residential (always from 10 am to 6 pm). Are you looking for accommodation options in the area? Send an email to
Price for the EXTRA week is 1400 (in the Ardennen inclusive bed and food)
Location: Butterfly Circles - Geertskouter 18 - 1730 Asse
Interested? Send an email to there are only 14 places available so don't wait to register. When registering we ask to pay 1300 euros in advance. The remaining amount must be paid before March 1, 2024.
What to bring: warm clothes, blanket and yoga mat, pillow, slippers, musical instrument, packed lunch.